Digital Currency
currency is a type of currency that has no physical form and only
exists in digital form. Digital currencies include virtual money and
cryptocurrency. This digital money may be used as traditional money to
buy and sell goods, but with the allowance of instant transactions and
borderless transfer-of-ownership. Digital money can be restricted to a
certain community or be fully free for anyone to use. Digital money can
also be decentralized or have a central authority over an emission
process, can be backed by other currency or liquid asset, or work
without any backing. Investing in digital currency has become very
popular after the explosion of cryptocurrencies due to their volatility,
which makes them a great speculation tool. Although digital currencies
are useful and progressive, they are not yet widespread and most banks
do not accept them.
Central Bank Digital Currency
Central bank digital currency (CBDC, also called "Digital Fiat Currency" or "digital base money") is the digital form of fiat money which is a currency established as money by government regulation or law.
The central bank of Sweden is however the closest to consider its implementation.
Digital currency
Digital currency is a money balance recorded electronically on a stored-value card or other device. Another form of electronic money is network money, allowing the transfer of value on computer networks, particularly the Internet. Electronic money is also a claim on a private bank or other financial institution such as bank deposits.

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